
sustainable future

Did you know?

Smith’s Chips use 100% sustainably sourced potatoes
Smith’s Chips are made from 100% renewable electricity
Smith’s Chips are in 100% recyclable packaging
Smith’s Point of Sale Material is fully recyclable
All Smith’s Chips display the Australian Health Star Rating system
Our Sales Team are moving our fleet of cars to Hybrids

Over our 90-year journey there have been many changes along the way and Sustainability is part of this journey.
Many things have changed since the Smith’s Chips’ history began in 1931, but one thing remains the same, Smith’s are still The Original and the Best.

Affectionately known as ‘the People’s Chip’, at Smith’s we’re honoured to celebrate our Australian heritage. Smith’s Chips are proudly Australian made. We use 100% Australian potatoes, grown by Aussie farmers!

Smith’s is born in Australia
Frank Smith and George Ensor
manufactured the first Smith’s Chips
in Australia . They took the humble
potato and created an iconic new snack that has
captured the hearts and taste buds of Aussies
for generations.

The Smith’s chips logo gets a makeover
Since 1931, the Smith’s logo has
transformed to reflect Australia’s evolving
culture. Our latest logo and pack design has
a more dynamic and contemporary feel,
as the iconic red Smith’s banner breaks out
of the blue diamond to wrap around for an
exciting multi-dimensional effect.

Smith’s turns 90!
In 1931, Smith’s took the humble potato and
created an iconic new snack, capturing the
hearts and taste buds of Aussies for generations.
Smith’s Chips are made from Australian potatoes,
grown by local farmers from across the country
– including a family that’s been supplying us
for over 50 years.

Smith’s are made with 100% Australian potatoes, grown by Australian farmers. Meet one of our farmers in the following video:

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